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Observed Element


Observed Element allows finding and focusing elements which are not yet in the DOM.

All we do is mark an element as observed by giving it a name.

<button data-tabster='{"observed": {"name": "observedButton"}}'>


To get Observed Element working, we need to call getObservedElement() function:

import { createTabster, getObservedElement } from "tabster";

let tabsterCore = createTabster(window);

let observedElement = getObservedElement(tabsterCore);

observedElement.requestFocus("observedButton", 100500);



Returns observed element by the name if it's present in the application.

import { createTabster, getObservedElement } from "tabster";

let tabsterCore = createTabster(window);

let observedElement = getObservedElement(tabsterCore);

let element = observedElement.getElement("observedButton");


Waits for an element for the specified time, returns an element if it appears.

import { createTabster, getObservedElement, Types } from "tabster";

let tabsterCore = createTabster(window);

let observedElement = getObservedElement(tabsterCore);

let wait = observed.waitElement(
"observedButton", // Name set using Tabster attribute.
100500, // Timeout.
Types.ObservedElementAccessibilities.Focusable // Only return when the
// element becomes focusable.

// The result promise will be resolved once the element is mounted.
wait.result.then((value) => {
console.log("Observed element:", value);

// We can also cancel the wait request.


Waits for the observed element to appear in the DOM and focuses it.

A consecutive requestFocus() call or a manual focus movement inside the application will cancel the focus request automatically.

import { createTabster, getObservedElement, Types } from "tabster";

let tabsterCore = createTabster(window);

let observedElement = getObservedElement(tabsterCore);

let focus = observed.requestFocus("observedButton", 100500);

// The result promise will be resolved once the element is focused (or timed out).
focus.result.then((value: boolean) => {
console.log("Observed element is focused:", value);

// We can also cancel the focus request.


Here be dragons.